Always dazzled first off by the all the white and blue. Gorgeous!
Before much else happens the ducks need to be released so they can be fed and watered. This particular morning Melina is carrying buckets of hot water to de-ice their water pans (the faucet at their pen is undoubtedly frozen).
The snow caught in the lilacs forms rune-like images - tough to decode.
The old '34 truck suffers the snow like everything else on the property. Since it spent the first 75 years of it's existence mostly down in the Santa Clara Valley, in Mariposa town, and the Sacramento River delta, it hasn't seen much snow - only the last four years up here on Triangle Road.
Is snow on cactus the same thing as an oxymoron?
The quince bloomed very early this year, perhaps anticipating an early Spring. The snow caught it by surprise.
The little windmill in the front yard ain't goin' anywhere for a while...
Zane loves the snow and uses any excuse (voles, mice, possum?) to stick is snout in it.
Our gate sign (sez "Staal" by the way) gets a mantle of snow.
Melina showcases the magical white world surrounding our home.
Guess I can't use these today, they've got snow on them. Dang!
(Part of the thrill of snow (I;m being a little sarcastic here) is going out to discover what fell down, broke, or what was left out, exposed, or accidentally uncovered - it's always something. I have not yet visited the upper acres to see if the snow load broke any tree branches up there - nothing on the lower half, yay!)
Zane hunts the perimeter of our fig "orchard." Can;t wait to see it leaf out this year.
Another lilac rune...
More snow predicted for later tomorrow (Monday). Yes!